Lychee Gong

About me

Creating happy clients is a motivation for me to be in the real estate industry.

Either you Google or you have lived experiences with property management services, you will find, and I quote

“Five of the most common complaints and concerns for landlords:

Unpaid rent. Every investor wants rent to be paid on time. ...

Maintenance issue. Good property managers should aim to keep their clients' maintenance costs as affordable as possible. ...

Pest Control. Who to pay?

Broken Appliances. Who to pay?

Poor communication. Why are your concerns not addressed?"

--- My explain

Because the most common challenge faced by property managers is poor time management. Handling maintenance requests, communicating with tenants, and conducting inspections can fill up a property manager's day leaving no time for the twenty other things that need to get done.

Having been working as a researcher solving industrial problems for more than 8 plus years in Australia prior to be a property manger, Lychee Gong fully understands your concerns as a landlord either for your home or investment assets.

Lychee believes in for any phenomenon, there is a root cause. Finding the root cause to a landlord’s concerns is imperative to make things work. The skills that are needed to identify the root cause fit into Lychee’s expertise. For example, the stress and anxiety in poor time management are from multi-tasking or high hope to get a lot done at the same time. By working only with a small number of properties and landlord, property managers at First National Evergrand are happy time managers and they are given the environment to look after our clients well.

Lychee thinks that whatever she has achieved belongs to the past, in the future, she will do better.

In the free time, Lychee spends her time reading history and literature. Feel free to call Lychee on 0426 627 266 to obtain a service quote.